Sunday, January 29, 2006

Y'all Can't Walk No Line

So, who else has seen the latest 'Axe' commercial? The one where the guy sprays it all over his back, then him and his girlfriend are on the motorcycle, and she's attached to him? Well, that girl reminds me of you, Kiersten. I have no idea why, but every time I see it I immediately think of you. Just thought you should know that you're in my thoughts, haha.

So, last night my shift got cancelled..25 minutes before I was scheduled to start. It takes 15 minutes to get to my job when driving down the highway at 100 km/h, and we're asked to be there 15 minutes early to read the communcations book and whatnot, so my boss is DAMN lucky that she caught me. So, Instead of working, I went to London and finally saw 'Walk The Line.' I thought that it was quite amazing; so good, in fact, that even if you despise Johnny Cash, you should still go see it. 'Nuff said.

Today, woke up at an awesome 11 o'clock. I love rainy Sundays. Woke up, at the perfect time, with the perfect mood, and the perfect day planned. I love it when it rains on Sundays, I pretty much stay in bed allllll day, read, watch tv, just watch the world outside my window. I know, sounds sad, but I love it. Today I stayed in bed allll day and studied. I studied from 1130 am - 9 pm, with one 30 minute break for dinner, and one 10 minute break just for the sake of taking a break. It's been a good day.

Tomorrow is my science exam, and although I've studied a lot all together, I'm still really worried. I am unprepared still, and I know it. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I'm currently watching the 'Screen Actors Guild Awards.' I generally think all the awards shows are the same, and rarely watch them, but I'm enjoying this. An actress off of 'Law and Order' (yep, I forget her name) just thanked her divorce lawyers.

I still really wish I could have gone to Waterloo this weekend, I'm still slightly bitter about that. C'est la vie. I'm sure as much fun was had without me.

Anyways, time to go try to fix my alarm clock. I got a new one for Christmas, and I swear it has the most annoying, obnoxious and loud noise I have heard in my life, and when it goes off at 632 am, it's not a pretty sight. The other day I couldn't find the snooze and I couldn't handle the sound any longer so I threw it across the room, hit the hardwood, and the plastic came off the front.

YEAH Reese Witherspoon just won an award for 'Walk the Line' and now Joaquinn Phoenix is up..and he loses. Damn.

Anyways, bye!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

I live in the 1800s, no electricty allowed

I apologize in advance. This post is basically just a big long boring rant. And it's only about 1/2 of what I really would like to rant about. Consider yourselves spared.

So today pretty much bites the big one. Got to school, did some last minute studying, talked to some randoms, went to my exam. I think I did okay on my exam, but not great. After my exam, went to the cafeteria, studied some french, ate some melon, same ol' same ol'. When the period 3 exam went in I studied some science, then tried to play some cards with Pat, Nick, Meagen and Kim but that failed because we only had 43 cards. Then Shaughn came over and talked to me for a bit about how I'm not really a girl because I didn't have nail clippers or a nail file. After that I sort of wandered around for a bit, told Abby all about my weird dream which was pretty much based on her, and walked around for a little longer. Finally, 5 hours after my exam ended, the bus came, then, 6 hours after my exam ended, I walked through the door to my house.

Last friday, when my shift was cancelled (do y'all remember me ranting about that?) my boss had left me a message saying I was scheduled for tonight, the 27th (technically the 28th now, I suppose), 7-1045. I got there, and Marie, someone I work with, said 'Why are you here?' My obvious reply was 'I was called and told I work tonight..' So I took a gander at the schedule, and sure enough, my shift had been white-outed by my boss, and I suppose she just didn't feel the need to tell me. Boy am I pissed. I show up for no reason. I am sick of their extremely poor organizational skills. They are supposed to let us know. I haven't worked in 2 weeks. This angers me GREATLY. You can't put a notice with my pay cheque, along with the other 79 employees, stating that they can't just not show up for a shift, when you don't notify them of shifts/notify them when their shifts are cancelled. I'm sorry, you can't do that. You also can't cancel my shift, not tell me about it, then put me on the shift for the next night and not tell me. I was making plans to go to Waterloo tomorrow night, and I was supposed to go to Dad's tomorrow. If all this had gone through, I would have been royally screwed, and even more angry.

Something else angers me greatly; even moreso than this work shit (unbelievable, I know): This Town. Want to know what there is to do here? Next to nothing, besides Meth. We all know there's plenty of that floating around (plenty being 4 labs in a population of 6000.) Back to the point: In this 'town' there are maybe 4 good bands, that play a show somewhere in town about once a year (and only once a year due to drug abuse here amongst teens.) The town has proposed a ban against bands. WHAT THE HELL. They want to make it so bands can't jam within town limits. If you don't have a member in your band who lives in the country then you basically have no band. This can't fly. I won't let this fly. What is this, the 1800s? Are we amish? Shoud I rebel with electricty? I feel like I'm in a Southpark episode.

Stupid people also anger me. Lots of other things that have occured today anger me..A lot seems to have angered me today, but I won't bore you more than I already have.

So, apparently I'm studying all day tomorrow and working tomorrow night. Ugh. It's supposed to be busy, too. Damnit.

Anyone wanna do something Sunday? I need a break, seeing how Waterloo didn't go through.

Well, I'm off to eat some Honeycomb. Have a good weekend. I know mine's sure going to kick some ass. Mine.


Thursday, January 26, 2006

You Never Know

Alright, so, yesterdays schedule didn't go exactly as was planned, but I got done what needed to be done. The mark on my exam today is proof; I had to wait from 1030-330 to catch my bus, and shortly before I got on the bus I saw my religion teacher, Mr. Corsaut. He informed me that he had just finished marking our exams. I asked him if I passed, and he assured me I did. I asked him if he could tell me my mark. His response was, "What was your mark at the midterms?" '75...' "Well, it went up a few percent." I proceeded to harass him to tell me my mark. I asked 'Are we talking 78 or 77?' "I honestly don't remember." 'Well, I'm going for an 80 average, I guess I better pull up my socks..' He began to tell me that my mark was 80, but stopped himself because he was not certain, and he did not want to "make me mad." Whatever, I'm glad made my way through that exam with relative ease. The only hard part of that exam was the fill in the blanks; all definitions. We didn't learn a definition all year. Meh.

Tomorrow is math. This has me slightly worried, but I feel I've studied sufficiently. Another quick review of my study notes in the cafeteria in the morning and I should be set. Dad felt the need to encourage me tonight; "I'm glad you did well on your religion exam, sweetheart, but math is all that matters." Can you tell he's an accountant? He realizes that history (the reason he attends Western for fun) is less important than math. I mean, I'm all for math, I think that some math is necessary in anything, but Trigonometry? When am I going to use that? And, on top of all this, he knows math is one of my worst subjects. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Dad. Currently, he is not in my good books, not only for this comment...

I suppose I shall just have to wait and see. I did well on my religion exam, maybe God likes me again; perhaps he'll grace me with his presence tomorrow, help me pass math so I don't have to take grade 10 math all over again. Jesus.

Good luck to all, if anyone doesn't have anything to do from probably 1030-330, let me know. I'ma be borrrred.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I own you all

I just filled myself with french toast. It was amazing. My majah makes the best french toast. Ever. Rachel can attest.

This day has been pretty amazing thus far. The alarm went of at 632 am as usual. And, as usual, I hit snooze to give myself an extra 9 minutes, just long enough to make myself late. During my snooze-time, the telephone rang. The phone only rings 638 am when it's a snow day. I drag my self out of bed, stumble into the kitchen, and see my mom on the phone. Yes! She gets off the phone and informs me that her office is closed. I inquire about St. Mikes, thinking I already know the answer, just to find that she has heard nothing. DCVI buses aren't running, Northwestern buses aren't running, Central buses aren't running. I return to bed anyways, assuming that the buses will be cancelled eventually. My assumption was right; when I got out of my nice warm bed again at 10 the buses were cancelled. This gives me an entire day to study. There is no way I'm bombing my exams now. This makes me very very happy, as I was very stressed about them before because me, being a dumbass and procrastinator, didn't start studying until last night, the 2nd last night before exam number 1. What a beautiful day.

The plan:
-12 pm: go rent 'Dead Man Walking' for religion.
-1240 pm: insert 'Dead Man Walking' into DVD player/VCR. Watch intently while working on Science conept map.
-242 pm: look over exam outline, correct/add to concept map accordingly.
-300 pm: make religion notes on 'Kingdom of Heaven, Kinds of Love, Catholic Social Teachings,' etc.
-430 pm: do part E and F to finish math exam outline work.
-530 pm: find more math in textbook to complete, preferably on 'Completing the Square.'
-630 pm: dinner
-730 pm: begin reading french story for french exam.
-800 pm: break.
-900 pm: look over all religion outline, making sure I have not overlooked anything.
-1000 - ?: whatever I want to do.
I can't wait for this semester to be over. I'm sick of these classes. I don't like any of them.
My exam schdeule:
Thursday: Religion @ 9am
Friday: Math @ 9 am
Monday: Science @ 9 am
Tuesday: French @ 9 am
No afternoon exams for me this year. Anybody wanna hang out after? Haha, I have hours to kill after all my exams.

So Waterdown was a lot of fun. Caught up with some of the family, watched 'Letters from a Porcupine; Blind Melon' dvd. Shortly after that we had dinner. After dinner Mike, Mieka, Tim and I wathced 'Office Space' but I fell asleep within the last 10 minutes. After my power-nap at 1130 pm I went upstairs and talked to my intoxicated aunts and uncles. That was fun. Around 2 Mike, Mieka, Scott and I went to bed. I started off on the futon matress, but when Mieka got up at 6 I took her place on the love seat. It was small but more comfortable. Sunday Scott woke me up around 930 so I could go have breakfast and get ready to go. We hit the road around 1015, and got home about 12. Came home to an unhappy house, c'est la vie.

Monday I didn't go to school in the morning, I missed Religion and Math. No big loss there. I went in about 1/2 way through lunch, and attended Science and French. In french we did our oral exams, mine went well. When I got home from school mom and I went to London, shopping. I got a real bag so I don't have to carry around that stupid duffel bag that makes me walk on an angle anymore. Apparently I also walk like I have a pegleg. Well, no more of that. I also got a pair of cords and a shirt from Old Navy. I have run out of room on my bedroom floor, I gotta get rid of some of my clothes..

Yesterday was not too shabby. Didn't do a whole lot but study. Instead of coming home off the bus I went to Nicks and studied with him til about 6. Today will be much of the same, minus studying avec Nick.

Anyways, this is my life recently. It isn't interesting. I know. Well, I'm off to go rent 'Dead Man Walking.'

Ciao guys


Friday, January 20, 2006

Between Love & Hate

Surprise, surprise. Turns out I don't have to work. So, I sit here at 850 pm, the house myself, writing this while listening to music. Good ol' St.-freakin'-Marys.

Today was a little weird. Started out like shit. I thought that the feeling that followed getting out of the car at the bus stop this morning was going to be how my whole day was. Thank God I was wrong. The air surrounding my car this morning around 730 am was not a good one, nor was the air around the next 5 minutes. Sometimes I love the misfortunes of others, however (I don't mean anything serious.) I was about ready to just snap when I walked into the arena this morning, and poor Pat had to be the first person I knew to walk in. He was about to get an earful of ranting, but, luckily, he rudely interrupted me and told me he broke his iPod this morning. I couldn't help but laugh, because his plan had been to break it on purpose to pay the difference for a Nano, but recently found out that that isn't possible because his warranty isn't up for another 2 years. Poor guy. Well, I don't feel too sorry for him, because he just steals mine.

The goodness of my day increased from there. Period one was spent watching 'Remember the Titans', period 2 at coffee house, period 3 sleeping/studying, period 4 doing a damn good job at presenting my severe weather assignment, and period 5 sucked. Sometimes I think Madame McLeod likes me, other times I'm sure she hates me.

Bus ride home was not bad, except I had to listen to Pat and Nick talk about danking this girl (a.k.a. skank) who was a visitor on our bus. I mean, yes, she was amazingly gorgeous, but really, 1/2 and hour spent conversing about it? Although, I was offered 5 bucks for sacking Nick..Which I declined.

Got home, found out I didn't have to work. That pissed me off slightly as I had no notice, and now no cash, and also no plans. Mom came home. Immediately following that was an arguement. Then she left for wings at around 6 and hasn't been home since. My time has been spent on the couch watching various things like 'Sex and the City,' 'Friends,' 'Behind the Music,' and 'Video on Trial.' What an interesting life I lead.

Thisssss weekend: Tomorrow morning, at 10 am, I am leaving for Waterdown with my Poppa, we're taking a little road trip to see some family. Thus far, this has only created havoc, but I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun. Not that any of you care. However, I am sad that I'll be missing Jordan's birthday bash. That saddens me a lot, actually. Jordan, if you read this, I'm sorry. I'm coming home sunday around 4. I'll likely study my ass off and recover then. Yes..I think so..

What a cruel world it really is. We go day-to-day with guilt; uncontrollable guilt. We reside in such a place where we are guilty; our surroundings, our actions.

AH Eric Brokovich is on! I'm missing it! I haven't seen it in ages. I will settle for this, as I am too lazy to go rent the Titanic.

Life's a bitch, don't let it get ya down too much.


Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Sound of Settling

Hmm...I forget where I left off and I'm too lazy to go back and check. Sorry if I am repetitive. I worked Sunday, 10-2. Came home..what did I do...I don't remember. OH i did homework, and lots of it..I think. Anyways. monday, meh, tuesday, meh, wednesday, interesting, thursday, alright. not much i can complain about. today was filled with guidance councillors, walks, and free food. i mean, yeah, there was a fair amount of homework, but c'est la vie. tomorrow is going to be a really easy day:
period 1: remember the titans
period 2: coffee house
period 3: science homework
period 4: presentations
period 5: work. i think this is the only class i'm going to actually have to do something in besides look interested.

Thisssss weekend. well, friday night i work (or so i'm told) 6-1030ish. saturday morning i'm getting up and going to waterdown with my poppa, he's one of my favourite people, always upbeat and always has something amazing to say. he made me cry tonight. when we get to waterdown we're meeting up with my aunt lisa and going to my aunts and uncles house, visiting with them and my cousins. saturday night *i think* we're spending the night in waterdown. should be lots of fun, i need to get away for a little while, even if it's only for 2 days and a night. likely come home sometime sunday afternoon. i'm sure sunday will be filled with studying for exams and whatnot..

lying awake, she replays the previous day.

anyways, i'm off to listen to music, likely shed a tear over what my poppa said to me tonight. perhaps right, perhaps finish my homework. we shall see, i suppose. such a predicament..


Saturday, January 14, 2006


Why do I lack the sense to keep my goddamned mouth shut?

Stayed home sick on Thursday, too. During this unwanted time off, I realized that school really bores me. So does just sitting at home, however, sitting at home is far more comfortable and convenient. Yeah yeah, I know I know, stay in school...get a job you'll end up hating in 10 years...don't bother wasting your breath, I know.

So last night, that being friday night, I worked. Well, I'm not sure I'd classify sitting around for 4.5 hours playing cards with your supervisor work, but I got paid $7.15 an hour for doing it, and I did do some cleaning of the grills/deepfriers/bathrooms/vending machines. Right as we are about to send the hill workers home to close up (at 830, only an hour and a half early) a van pulls up with 8 kids. Damnit #1. Then, once they realized that we were indeed open, they decided to drop off one load of kids, and return with another half an hour later. Damnit #2. Since we had customers, we had to find a pin for the lift which was broken. Damnit #3. Previously we had had no intention of fixing the lift, we were going to leave it to the poor buggers today. Anyways, I got paid, and got to leave relatively early, about 1020. Sadly, my supervisor had to wait for the first load to leave and come back and leave again. Poor Josh. I would maybe have more sympathy if he hadn't kicked my ass in cards ALMOST every time.

Today I got up and went with my fajah. First we did some running around to certain shops in London to get stuff for tomorrow. Then we went back to his apartment where I cleaned it. Then I listened to the radio whilst reading 'Newsweek'. He wasn't feeling well, so he layed down, and I watched 1.5 very comedic episodes of 'That '70s Show'. He then got up and decided to bring me home early while he still could. Now I'm watching Figure Skating Championships. w00t.

Tonight I was going to go out with some friends for some much needed out-ed-ness, but that didn't happen. Who knows what's in store for me. Perhaps a little 'Dead Man Walking' for religion class, or maybe just figure skating.

Tomorrrrrrrow I work 10-630..woohoo, cash. Then probably homework, homework and..more homework. I have a lot to catch up on. Another point deducted from school...

Anyways, I'm off to make plans, perhaps eat some pasta.

Keep your heads up, and next time you're intoxicated, don't leave it up to me to talk you out of killing yourself.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Clark Gable

down and out, hopeless. there is truth in nothing, nothing is real, not feelings, not people..especially not words. Words are hollow.

Stayed home sick today. I hate being sick. What is the point of it? Is it some higher power trying to tell me I need to wise up about my ways? If so, that power is being rather blunt. School sucks. Catholic Social Teachings, Trigonometry, Weather, all can suck it.

Anyways, that's all. Working/Dads this weekend I think. Should be a party.

Don't get too down on yourselves, kids -- Meg

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Passenger Seat

I do say, I really love sleeping in, if only the vacuum wasn't what eventually woke me up. Not the mention the phone...

How is everyone? Me? I'm alright, kinda annoyed at the world at the moment for no real reason. I'm allowed to be annoyed, I've been really happy for the most part this week. Todaaaay, immediately after being woke up, I went to Stratford and hung out with Wyatt for a little, then went from his place to work, where I worked the bar for the first time since about August. I miss the bar a lot. I mean, it's all relatively easy, until you put in the wrong amount and it dings repeatedly at you. It's definitely easier than preparing food, but not as easy as getting people to sign their lives away, it's a nice balance.

It's official, technology hates me. I have yet to figure out what is wrong with my iTunes/iPod. As of recently, when I plug my iPod in it doesn't show up in my iTunes. Anyone have any ideas? I've reset it and restarted the computer and reinstalled iTunes, to no avail. I plan on calling The Source in the morning (or afternoon, whenever I feel like dragging my ass out of bed.)

Technology can suck it. Punctuate or perish.

The light reflected off the water and onto her face. Her eyes matched the sky and her hair, the sun. Her lips were the colour of roses and her smile could light up the world. Her skin was as soft as velvet. It was the moment in which he really saw what he could have, the thing that could make it all better. Yet he felt nothing. As much as she wanted to deny this, she knew she was going to be forgotten again..But not until he had his fun.

Huzzah, music hates me, too. >.< damnit all.


Like A Rolling Stone

It was incredible. Nothing in her wildest dreams could surpass this moment. Everything was absolutely perfect, and it was far more than she could ever wish for. She didn't deserve such treatments and attention. Who could care about me enough to do all this? Elaborate schemes with the outcome of happiness were not meant for her. Soon she would be fulfilled, everything would fall into place. The 'perfect' dream life, as imagined by all little girls, would soon be hers.

How is everybody? Good, I hope. Fosters was really good. Me and Theresa went to Jack Astors, then rented 'The March Of The Penguins.' Hahahah. Yeeeah..Work was work. New years was good, work the next day sucked. This week I haven't done a whole lot, was scheduled to work every day this week but today is the only day it happened, I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. Tuesday I went out for lunch with the girls, which turned into dinner with the girls, also. That night I chillaxed with Wyatt. Wednesday I layed low, Thursday I went for dinner with dad and pops..Today I went to Benmiller and got a facial and a massage (yess!). Tonight I went to Wits End Pub in London for a friends engagement party. Got there, the bouncer wouldn't let me in. You see, I forsaw this problem, but checked it out, and was told I would be allowed in since it's also a grill. This is not the case. We got there at 11, and they stop letting minors in at 10. Bitch. A friend talked to the owner and he said I could come in for a very very short time. I believe I was in there for all of 5 minutes. During that 5 minutes I was offered a shot of tequila, and asked to buy the entire bar a round. Stupid under-age-ness...

They collided. Intertwined forever. Potentially a bad thing, but perhaps positive...
