Saturday, January 07, 2006

Passenger Seat

I do say, I really love sleeping in, if only the vacuum wasn't what eventually woke me up. Not the mention the phone...

How is everyone? Me? I'm alright, kinda annoyed at the world at the moment for no real reason. I'm allowed to be annoyed, I've been really happy for the most part this week. Todaaaay, immediately after being woke up, I went to Stratford and hung out with Wyatt for a little, then went from his place to work, where I worked the bar for the first time since about August. I miss the bar a lot. I mean, it's all relatively easy, until you put in the wrong amount and it dings repeatedly at you. It's definitely easier than preparing food, but not as easy as getting people to sign their lives away, it's a nice balance.

It's official, technology hates me. I have yet to figure out what is wrong with my iTunes/iPod. As of recently, when I plug my iPod in it doesn't show up in my iTunes. Anyone have any ideas? I've reset it and restarted the computer and reinstalled iTunes, to no avail. I plan on calling The Source in the morning (or afternoon, whenever I feel like dragging my ass out of bed.)

Technology can suck it. Punctuate or perish.

The light reflected off the water and onto her face. Her eyes matched the sky and her hair, the sun. Her lips were the colour of roses and her smile could light up the world. Her skin was as soft as velvet. It was the moment in which he really saw what he could have, the thing that could make it all better. Yet he felt nothing. As much as she wanted to deny this, she knew she was going to be forgotten again..But not until he had his fun.

Huzzah, music hates me, too. >.< damnit all.



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