I live in the 1800s, no electricty allowed
I apologize in advance. This post is basically just a big long boring rant. And it's only about 1/2 of what I really would like to rant about. Consider yourselves spared.
So today pretty much bites the big one. Got to school, did some last minute studying, talked to some randoms, went to my exam. I think I did okay on my exam, but not great. After my exam, went to the cafeteria, studied some french, ate some melon, same ol' same ol'. When the period 3 exam went in I studied some science, then tried to play some cards with Pat, Nick, Meagen and Kim but that failed because we only had 43 cards. Then Shaughn came over and talked to me for a bit about how I'm not really a girl because I didn't have nail clippers or a nail file. After that I sort of wandered around for a bit, told Abby all about my weird dream which was pretty much based on her, and walked around for a little longer. Finally, 5 hours after my exam ended, the bus came, then, 6 hours after my exam ended, I walked through the door to my house.
Last friday, when my shift was cancelled (do y'all remember me ranting about that?) my boss had left me a message saying I was scheduled for tonight, the 27th (technically the 28th now, I suppose), 7-1045. I got there, and Marie, someone I work with, said 'Why are you here?' My obvious reply was 'I was called and told I work tonight..' So I took a gander at the schedule, and sure enough, my shift had been white-outed by my boss, and I suppose she just didn't feel the need to tell me. Boy am I pissed. I show up for no reason. I am sick of their extremely poor organizational skills. They are supposed to let us know. I haven't worked in 2 weeks. This angers me GREATLY. You can't put a notice with my pay cheque, along with the other 79 employees, stating that they can't just not show up for a shift, when you don't notify them of shifts/notify them when their shifts are cancelled. I'm sorry, you can't do that. You also can't cancel my shift, not tell me about it, then put me on the shift for the next night and not tell me. I was making plans to go to Waterloo tomorrow night, and I was supposed to go to Dad's tomorrow. If all this had gone through, I would have been royally screwed, and even more angry.
Something else angers me greatly; even moreso than this work shit (unbelievable, I know): This Town. Want to know what there is to do here? Next to nothing, besides Meth. We all know there's plenty of that floating around (plenty being 4 labs in a population of 6000.) Back to the point: In this 'town' there are maybe 4 good bands, that play a show somewhere in town about once a year (and only once a year due to drug abuse here amongst teens.) The town has proposed a ban against bands. WHAT THE HELL. They want to make it so bands can't jam within town limits. If you don't have a member in your band who lives in the country then you basically have no band. This can't fly. I won't let this fly. What is this, the 1800s? Are we amish? Shoud I rebel with electricty? I feel like I'm in a Southpark episode.
Stupid people also anger me. Lots of other things that have occured today anger me..A lot seems to have angered me today, but I won't bore you more than I already have.
So, apparently I'm studying all day tomorrow and working tomorrow night. Ugh. It's supposed to be busy, too. Damnit.
Anyone wanna do something Sunday? I need a break, seeing how Waterloo didn't go through.
Well, I'm off to eat some Honeycomb. Have a good weekend. I know mine's sure going to kick some ass. Mine.
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