Monday, February 20, 2006

Despite All My Rage

I hate having the hiccups. They're so painful. And I'm going on day number 2 with this headache. Oh well, I suppose there are worse things in life.

So my family from Niagra Falls came Friday night with plenty of booze. When my dad showed up Saturday morning he was somewhat shocked I think. Anyways, Saturday me, mom and my cousin went to Kitchener shopping, I got lots of stuff, won't bore you with the details. Came home to find a new doorknob. Saturday evening just chillaxed (which is hard to do with 87156616 people around) with Wyatt.

Sundaaaaay didn't do a whole lot, just homework pretty much. Today we were given our course selection sheets which pissed me off a lot. If I had known the ministry of education was going to change what I need to graduate I would have picked my electives this year and last differently. So, now all my electives are up in the air for next year. Mr. Espo kinda guilted me into taking Writers Craft. Hm..must ponder that.

Grey's Anatomy last night pretty much rocked my socks off. House was good, I'm not sure about that one though..

Anyways, going to go, headache is hurting meeeee. Hope those of you on reading week are enjoying it.


(P.S. - Kiersten; Today, everyone I talked to called you illiterate because of that horrible announcement. When I told them the story they proceeded to call me illiterate also, but not to the same extent. I guess we'll just have to show them tomorrow, eh?)

Friday, February 17, 2006

Hell yes

Hello, Ladies and Gents!

So, yesterday on my day off, I did absolutely NOTHING. The only time I left the comfort of my home was at 930 pm to go get some Realemon juice for my mom from teh variety store. It felt good, doing nothing.

Around..oh, 530, my dad calls me. This is unusual for 2 reasons: It's early in the evening, and it isn't my weekend to visit him so he doesn't usually call. He tells me he won a cruise. I'm happy for him, ask him where to, etc. He then asked me to go with him. I'm so excited! It's April 24-29, give or take a couple days. We leave Miami on the Monday, spend Tuesday at sea, Wednesday is spent at Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, Thursday we travel through the Caribbean, around Cuba, to Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Spend some time at Ocho Rios, then Friday travel back by Mexico to Miami. We have 4 options at places to get off. We can get off at Grand Cayman and do a tour, or get off at Ocho Rios and go rafting. There are 2 other options (yes, I can count) but I forget where they are. I think we're going to do the rafting. AH I'm so excited! I very rarely travel. I've been to various northern states, Florida, and various places in Quebec. So, I'm going to the caribbean in April, France in Sept/Oct and there's a *slight* chance mom and I are going to Jamaica early-ish next year for a wedding (this depends on plane ticket prices.)

This also means I need a passport. I went downtown and got my picture taken (it's horrible, just so you all know.) Dad said he had the forms for me, and that he would pick me up tomorrow or Sunday to have my Aunt's friend sign it. You have to have someone in the professions sign it, Dad is, but he isn't sure if he can because of the whole family relations thing. Well, due to this crap ass weather (that has given me a 2nd snow day which I'm thankful for) my Aunt and her friend couldn't make it from T.O. so we're on to plan B. Me going to the postoffice, filling it out, dropping it off at my Poppas for dad to sign, then asking a doctor or principal to sign it. Let's hope this plan flies.

So, the rest of my day off will be spent filling out my passport stuff and cleaning one of our spare bedrooms. Some family from Niagra Falls are supposed to be coming down, but we don't really know with the weather..I'm supposed to work tonight, but can only do so if the highway is re-opened. Let's hope it doesn't get re-opened..

Well, I'm out. Safe travels.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

You Don't Need Anyone...

G'day ladies and gents

Sorry it's been so long, I can tell you're all heartbroken. Let me see..

So, Saturday, I went to Western for a little while, swam, used the library, the usual. Umm..Had dinner with Dad, then we watched 'The Green Mile.' I gotta say I really enjoyed it. Then at 11 I turned on the olympics, speed skating to be precise..if that's even the correct name.

Suuuuunday, Dad took me to work at 11 and I worked until 630. I then came home, had some dinna, then travelled to Stratford for the rest of the night.

Monday Kiersten and I read the announcements. We were definitely pro, except I couldn't remember the date and Kiersten repeatedly said 'Room 113' when it was actually room 133. Let's hope those whom the announcement pertained to read the text announcements. I was surprised Kiersten was willing to do them again with me this Monday. The rest of Monday was not too shabby, the usual. Library for 3 periods, filming for one, supply teacher in another.

Tuesday = Good ol' Valentines Day. I thoroughly enjoyed my cotton candy (which was better then Nora's because they accidently mixed the blue and pink so it was kinda purple..) Wyatt came over after school, we chilled, ordered some food, watched some televisioon. When he left at 1130 Sam and I got into the shooters. Mine was strawberry vanilla (but still tasted like straight vodka) and she did chocolate (which apparently tasted like chocolate. Surprise surprise.)

Today was really uneventful. I'm not sure if I fell asleep while reading in English with my eyes open or if I was awake the whole time. I guess it will forever be a mystery. Our comm. tech. project is slowly coming together. I wrote a letter to Gary Schellenberger (MPP) about the steadily increasing tuition fees. Y'know, the usual.

Thinking I might go to bed at about 7 tonight. Yup. If not I'll go downtown grab some coffee. I gotta type up my Malcolm X points. Shiiit.

Anyways, I'm off to find myself some food..Maybe take a nap. Hope everyone finds themselves well.

...Or anything at all.


Friday, February 10, 2006


So, I'm going to start this post off with a story that will most likely end up being a you-had-to-be-there story, but I'm going to tell it anyways. I'm going to assume you all know what a 'pearl necklace' is. If not, urban dictionary it. We were sitting in the Creamery, and all the tables had this sign in it that read something like:

Want you Valentines day to be special? Include:
-A dinner for 2
-Free dessert
And get a free Genuine Pearl Necklace worth $65.00

Now, I'm not really sure what the dinner included, but I know the first and last statements are correct. We laughed our asses off. Our waiter came by (don't worry, we knew him) and we asked him to define 'Genuine Pearl Necklace.' He laughed, and replied "Everyone on the staff here gets it, but Terry. Terry wrote it, and no one has the balls to tell him." We laughed about it and could only name 2 people besides Terry who wouldn't get it. We swiped it, scanned it, and sent it into Leno. Probably doesn't sound that funny, but it was. Oh, it was..

Not much is new here in St. Marys. Well, not in my part of town, maybe Nora's..

Did that 'Safe Schools' survey. I think it was pretty useless but whatever floats the school boards boat. Tomorrow we're starting a project for 'To Kill A Mockingbird' which I've read multiple times. I think I'm going to do it on Malcolm X. Today Taralyn and I started filming our 'A Day In The Life.' Our idea is crap but meh. We were going to get started at lunch but I attended the coffee house instead. Good job Nora and Kiersten and anyone else who reads this without my knowledge and who was a part of the coffee house today. I am thinking that maybe I'll sing at the next one if I can find a guitar player. I'll be the new "Wyatt and Tim" since they have decided to call it quits. But not really.

Civics test Monday. I'm really enjoying my history class, which is strange. I could have swore my dad ruined history for me. I think it's Ms. Laurin, she seems to be really cool. She gave me and others candy this morning at 845 this morning because we brought out CIS forms in. I felt like I was in grade 3, but in a good way.

So, it's friday night and I'm doing nothing. Again. This has me bummed. I was going to go out for dinner with a friend but he left for the weekend, and I was invited to a friends to watch movies but I'm kinda not feeling like it. I'd rather just sit here at home and be bummed for the night. It's allowed sometimes.

Tomorrow morning my dad is picking me up at 1030 and I'm spending the night there which I haven't done in forever and am not really looking forward to. Won't be getting home until about 630 on Sunday, at which point I'll have to do English and Civics. Bummer. I wanna go away for a few days, on a little holiday, but all by myself. I just want to go away for a little. Oh well.

Anymawho, I'm going to go clean my room before mom gets home after her dinner. Maybe I'll make myself some fooood. Not in the best frame of mind currently, but no worries, I'll be good as new come Monday morning. And Kiersten, you can't steal Wyatt. Man, you and Bilyea haven't gone on a date yet (or I'm out of the loop, one or the other) and you're already wanting to cheat on him. My goodness!

All of you: Listen to 'Flake' by Jack Johnson. You can even add me, I'll send it to you, it's that good. I have it on repeat and it's awesome.

Have a good weekend guys.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Forgetting is Simple

So, Monday was a snowday for me, but it wasn't appreciated in the least. Tuesday was good, went out for wings with Sam, Ryan and Bare around 7 and then went hottubbing and watched House (the hot tub was 110 degrees. I thought I was getting 3rd degree burns), didn't get home until 11, and the whole way home I was taking pictures of random things. It was a lot of fun, I should do it more often.

Today was not too shabby either. History was fun, Civics was a bore, English was meh, and Comm. Tech was good. I watched Brian Coulton's promo video from last year. I would just like to say Blake: I think you should go back to the buzz cut and Kiersten: nice try convincing me that 'Our school is a great place with great people.' I also watched Ellen's 'A Day In The Life Video.' I particularily liked how Jordan Ruediger walked through part of it and just stared blankly at the camera. That made me laugh. A lot. I remember when I watched my grade 8 promo video. It was done by Liam. It actually made me look forward to going to St. Mikes, even though none of my friends were coming with me. Sorry, I've gone a little crazy with the Bold..I started my storyboard today for my 'A Day In The Life' but am lacking ideas. Any suggestions? The best we can come up with is a backpack or someone's shoes. Leave a comment if you have an idea, it'd be appreciated.

Anyways, that's about it. Currently watching the Grammy's. Not much is new with me, just finished up my paper for English.


Sunday, February 05, 2006

Mr. Tambourine Man

Alright, attempt number 3 for this post. Some of you may have already read it, and for this I apologize.

So, Thursday I walked my lazy ass out to The Stone Willow Inn to drop off my resume. On the way there I walked by the nearest convenience store, Video 99, and realized I had rented a movie over a week ago and forgot to return it. So, after my hella long walk to Stone Willow, I walked partway back to return the movie. I have never received a dirtier look. Thursday around 445 Dad picked me up and we went to Pop's for dinner. I have never been that stuffed, not even at Christmas.

Friday was the first day of the second semester, I have a really easy one. History with Ms. Laurin, Civics with Mr. Corsaut, English with Mrs. Claro, and Communications with Mr. Bissell. History seems cool, Civics seems shitty, I'm convinced my English teacher hates me already, and Communications seems quite awesome. We started editing 'The Italian Job' already.

So, onto Friday night. Came home from school about 430, cleaned my room until about 730. I then took another shower, and picked up Amanda and my wedgie fries at 815. We ate them, then headed to Stratford about 845. We arrived at the Boar's Head at 859 and found a table. We ordered, listened to Wyatt and Jay, and left about 1045. Her and I then headed to International Grounds where we ran into Nora. I caffeinated myself well, and headed home around 1130. I then came on here, updated this (which didn't work) then did part of my english assignment at 1 am.

Saturday was basically a bore. I got called to work which pissed me off, and went to bed around 1030. Johnny Two-Step had a kegger but I didn't attend. I don't think I missed much, just all of St. Marys and a quater of London drunk.

Todayyy I watched a number of movies, drank a lot of chocolatey things and coffee. Went for a walk this evening, and when I returned I dyed my hair. I am now a very dark brown. I like it.

Anyways, that is all. Nora, I did wish you a happy birthday in the post I created yesterday, Kiersten can attest. I think tomorrow will be a snowday..I sure hope so. I'm going to return to Bob Dylan on MuchMoreMusic. Have a good one.


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My House

So, I've come here and tried to update my posts about 7 or 8 times now, and I just haven't been able to do it, so, here it finally is (hopefully I get it done in this sitting), not that it will be particularily interesting. I'm going to take Blake's advice (stemming from the destruction of my self-esteem through insult) and try to be imaginative.

So, Monday was my Science exam. Seemed pretty easy..almost deceivingly easy. I guess I'll have to wait and see. Tuesday was my French exam, and was as difficult as I expected. I think I did well. I hope I did well. If I didn't do well then I can't go to France..and then I'll be really angry. France..yes..September/October..yes..Now all I have to do is get a much better job and save my money..yes..I can do that..If Blake can not spend any money on alcohol just to go to Scotland then I can save my money for France.

So, Tuesday after my exam I was just standing in the cafeteria stealing some salad from Anna when I was interupted and told I was going to play poker. It's safe to say I'm the worst poker player ever, worse than Jordan who doesn't even know how to play. 'I can't believe this is the World Series! You can't even spell poker!' Anymawho, after poker (and the throwing of shit between Kiersten, Blake and Kyle Ruston) I stole some candy from Jess. Blake, Alex and I bugged Allie to let us into the music room to get some guitars but to no avail. I then went and read for awhile, until I was interupted again. Then I went to take a nap, but got hungry, and while on my way from returning from getting food, Allie told Kiersten and I that we could go get guitars. So that's what we did. After that, Kiersten and I played some War and Speed. The bell for the buses didn't ring, so I almost missed mine. Luckily I'm good and have connections.

On to today: woke up about 1030, came out here, got really angry at my computer for not working, then went out for lunch with dad around 1230. Came home about 130, immediately went downtown and met Sam at the library. Took out 4 books and a cd (The Beatles Live At BBC), went to the mail, Tim Hortons and then came up here. Came home and was forced to take picture of Sam's artwork for her portfolio. That sucked, until she introduced me to her little glass dogs that she used to carry around in her pocket and randomly give away..and a glass Mary and I think a Wiseman. I was told to use them as presents. When Sam left I cleaned for a little. Then, around 630 I went into Stratford, grabbed a bite to eat, and went to Wyatt's. Got home from there about nowish. All in all the last 3 days have been rather uneventful..except..I'M GOING TO FRANCE..I think. Let's hope. Yes.

Anyways, I'm starving, I'm going to make some KD. Kiersten, can I change my bet about the day I think Blake will come back to school? If not, I understand, a bet's a bet.

Apparently I have a horrible imagination as that was no more imaginative as any other post I've ever published.
