Friday, February 17, 2006

Hell yes

Hello, Ladies and Gents!

So, yesterday on my day off, I did absolutely NOTHING. The only time I left the comfort of my home was at 930 pm to go get some Realemon juice for my mom from teh variety store. It felt good, doing nothing.

Around..oh, 530, my dad calls me. This is unusual for 2 reasons: It's early in the evening, and it isn't my weekend to visit him so he doesn't usually call. He tells me he won a cruise. I'm happy for him, ask him where to, etc. He then asked me to go with him. I'm so excited! It's April 24-29, give or take a couple days. We leave Miami on the Monday, spend Tuesday at sea, Wednesday is spent at Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, Thursday we travel through the Caribbean, around Cuba, to Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Spend some time at Ocho Rios, then Friday travel back by Mexico to Miami. We have 4 options at places to get off. We can get off at Grand Cayman and do a tour, or get off at Ocho Rios and go rafting. There are 2 other options (yes, I can count) but I forget where they are. I think we're going to do the rafting. AH I'm so excited! I very rarely travel. I've been to various northern states, Florida, and various places in Quebec. So, I'm going to the caribbean in April, France in Sept/Oct and there's a *slight* chance mom and I are going to Jamaica early-ish next year for a wedding (this depends on plane ticket prices.)

This also means I need a passport. I went downtown and got my picture taken (it's horrible, just so you all know.) Dad said he had the forms for me, and that he would pick me up tomorrow or Sunday to have my Aunt's friend sign it. You have to have someone in the professions sign it, Dad is, but he isn't sure if he can because of the whole family relations thing. Well, due to this crap ass weather (that has given me a 2nd snow day which I'm thankful for) my Aunt and her friend couldn't make it from T.O. so we're on to plan B. Me going to the postoffice, filling it out, dropping it off at my Poppas for dad to sign, then asking a doctor or principal to sign it. Let's hope this plan flies.

So, the rest of my day off will be spent filling out my passport stuff and cleaning one of our spare bedrooms. Some family from Niagra Falls are supposed to be coming down, but we don't really know with the weather..I'm supposed to work tonight, but can only do so if the highway is re-opened. Let's hope it doesn't get re-opened..

Well, I'm out. Safe travels.



At 6:16 p.m. , Blogger Maranatha said...

I had to get a passport last March. I got Doherty to sign off on it.

At 7:54 p.m. , Blogger KP said...

Um, Congrats to the O'Drowsk. Better come back nice and brown!

At 7:54 p.m. , Blogger KP said...

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