Wednesday, February 15, 2006

You Don't Need Anyone...

G'day ladies and gents

Sorry it's been so long, I can tell you're all heartbroken. Let me see..

So, Saturday, I went to Western for a little while, swam, used the library, the usual. Umm..Had dinner with Dad, then we watched 'The Green Mile.' I gotta say I really enjoyed it. Then at 11 I turned on the olympics, speed skating to be precise..if that's even the correct name.

Suuuuunday, Dad took me to work at 11 and I worked until 630. I then came home, had some dinna, then travelled to Stratford for the rest of the night.

Monday Kiersten and I read the announcements. We were definitely pro, except I couldn't remember the date and Kiersten repeatedly said 'Room 113' when it was actually room 133. Let's hope those whom the announcement pertained to read the text announcements. I was surprised Kiersten was willing to do them again with me this Monday. The rest of Monday was not too shabby, the usual. Library for 3 periods, filming for one, supply teacher in another.

Tuesday = Good ol' Valentines Day. I thoroughly enjoyed my cotton candy (which was better then Nora's because they accidently mixed the blue and pink so it was kinda purple..) Wyatt came over after school, we chilled, ordered some food, watched some televisioon. When he left at 1130 Sam and I got into the shooters. Mine was strawberry vanilla (but still tasted like straight vodka) and she did chocolate (which apparently tasted like chocolate. Surprise surprise.)

Today was really uneventful. I'm not sure if I fell asleep while reading in English with my eyes open or if I was awake the whole time. I guess it will forever be a mystery. Our comm. tech. project is slowly coming together. I wrote a letter to Gary Schellenberger (MPP) about the steadily increasing tuition fees. Y'know, the usual.

Thinking I might go to bed at about 7 tonight. Yup. If not I'll go downtown grab some coffee. I gotta type up my Malcolm X points. Shiiit.

Anyways, I'm off to find myself some food..Maybe take a nap. Hope everyone finds themselves well.

...Or anything at all.



At 7:05 p.m. , Blogger Maranatha said...

Those shooter things are disgusting. However, they're a great source of cheap almost unbreakable shotglasses. I once (and by that I mean "In January") bought a 4pack of chocolate that had gone bad. And then I drank them anyway because it would've been a terrible waste of money not to.

At 10:30 p.m. , Blogger Maranatha said...

And why does Kiersten hate to read with you? Do you correct her terrible spelling?

At 1:42 p.m. , Blogger MTOD said...

People tend to get angry when I correct them, so I just let it go. No, I kinda guilted Kiersten into doing them with me in the first place.


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