Thursday, December 29, 2005

R.I.P. Nana

The last few days have been quite the whirlwind of events. The 26th, my birthday, we continued with the celebrations without Nana. The 27th was the open casket visitation for close family. Yesterday, the 28th, were the other 2 visitations. Man, that was a long day. Up from 930 am, not home until 10 pm from the funeral home and pops and various places.. We figure we shook between 600 and 700 peoples hands. That is a difficult task when your cousin Mike keeps punching you, throwing some of his never-ending supply of mints at you, and pulling at your bra strap. My God. Today was the funeral, another long day. Dad came and got me at about 10 am and I didn't get home until 4. She will be deeply missed, she was as sharp as a tack and was very proud of all her grandchildren. I'm in disbelief.

Tonight, around 1030, I'm going into Stratford to Fosters to see Wyatt play..I'm so tired, and tomorrow it's just going to be worse. My cousin Theresa is coming to pick me up at 10 and we're going to go shopping and whatnot, then I have to work from 5 until about 1030. Shiiiit. However, it's looking like my shift will be cancelled (out of 6 shifts, I've worked 1) due to lack of snow.

Anyways, it's 530 and I haven't eaten yet. Food time, then sleep time, then bath time, then Stratford time.

Ciao ladies and gentlemen

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Happy Belated Birthday to Me

So, yesterday was my birthday. Started out not so good, and then got worse. The day started out like crap, got slightly better as I got more and more excited for the O'Drowsky family Christmas/Birthday celebration. Dad came and picked me up, and when we were walking out the door he told me my nana had died in the morning. I went and visited my pops and a couple aunts and uncles, and we decided that we were going to go on with the show later that night. All my cousins drove down from various places around Ontario, and later I went back to pops where the festivities began. We opened presents with lots of tears. Anyways, afterwards I played some pingpong and came home, where I cleaned my room. Happy Birthday.

Anywho, I'm off to find clothes to wear to the funeral home.

Ciao, Mugs

Sunday, December 25, 2005


The stars above looked down in wonder and amazement. Nothing could surpass this, the epitome of perfection. Too bad I'm not good enough. Time is standing still. I'm stuck here eternally. Accepting the life shown to me is the difficult part. If only materials could create happiness, genuine delight. Time is running out, and my tolerance is wearing thin.

Merry Christmas, everybody. I hope the holiday season finds you well.

(P.S. - tomorrow is my birthday, what did y'all get me?)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Common People

swamp studios was great. work was not bad. my sunday shift getting cancelled was meh. it's a steady decline. c'est la vie.

it's a wonderfully snowy day today. the only reason i think the snow is wonderful at this particular moment is that i don't have to go out in it today, as i am home, sick. if i was having to walk to/from the bus, the usual 10 blocks, it wouldn't be so wonderful. y'know what definitely isn't wonderful? a sore throat and having some of the muscles in your stomach being pulled at the same time. not so enjoyable.

countdown to my birthday: 5 days.

after christmas with my dad on my birthday i have no idea what i'm doing, whether i'm going to dads, or staying here. bah. anyways, this was a very unintelligent blog. oh well, i'm sick, it's allowed. must go wrap presents.

sleep is over-rated. so is food.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I've lost all hope and trust in the kindness of people and I've lost all faith in understanding them. Just when I think I've got them figured out, they go and create a situation that baffles me beyond rescue. Sometime I just hate people, thank God not all of you are people...that would be hell. I've decided that I need to work harder and worry about my marks now. As is, my average is going to be pretty damn low I think. Better pull up the old socks. Aaaand, a plus is that if I concentrate more on work I'd have less time to come on here and write pointless crap. AAAAAND I wouldn't have the time to let people hurt me. It's basically a win-win situation all around. Hey, one can be optimistic, right..? End of ranting. I promise. Now I'm full of smiles like always.

Finally finished my massive cumulative review assignment which almost killed me. Got a bit of Christmas shopping done on Saturday, spent Saturday night at Dads. Friday watched a movie, Sunday went swimming at Western. Same ol' same ol'...I got Monday off to take care of my puppy, that was good. Yesterday was the big birthday dinner and then I had a dentist appointment. I hate the dentist. I was frozen up to my eyes. Couldn't move one half of my lip for 5 hours. It sucked. Today I got out of 5th period for a doctor's appointment. Tomorrow dinner with Dad..Friday I get off to go out to the studio and help out with a recording for comm. service. That should be fun. Friday is up in the air between semi with my date (Amy, of course) or finding something else to do. I'm leaning towards finding something else to do..Saturday is my first shift since Thanksgiving. At 330 in the kitchen, not the kiosk. Come visit:)

So, no one's going to read this, and if someone happens to no one will care. I know I'm lame. I don't care. I'm falling asleep here at the desk and it's only 830.

I may or may not post again soon. Who knows. I give up on people. For good. There are some who will never hear from me again..They'll probably be happy...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Come back

I've come to the conclusion that my life is stuck on repeat. It's proved to be a never-ending cycle. Here, then gone. Here, then gone. What's with that? How come I'm not allowed to have a place or person to rant to? Why can't I have someone to talk to? Something doesn't seem fair.

I could go on forever, but that would require me being less vague.


Your Ex-Lover is Dead

Let's give it a rest. Blake Bilyea and I are nothing more than friends. It's true, I'm in grade 10, and he is completing his victory lap, but what does that matter? I guess you could say you succeeded, Liam. Whatever. Perhaps you should have a conversation with someone before you decide to start things about that person (however, I understand that you would be too embarassed if you were caught talking to a grade 10.) Maybe I'm being naive, and I guess that would take the fun out of it..

It's out. If you 2 wish to continue 'blog warz', please leave me out. If you feel the need to incorporate me, I'm not helping either of your sorry asses. I know, assumptions, assumptions, assumptions...

(PS, Blake, are you 'eat me'?)

Friday, December 09, 2005

Numero 1

I'm unsure of why I created this blog. Perhaps to 'organize my thoughts.' I am going to conclude that no one will ever read this (anyone I know who has a blog doesn't know I have one) so I will possibly use it to organize my thoughts, and get more personal shit out.

On another note, I have decided I am content. I am choosing to ignore all the possible reasons that have to do with my recent decline in emotion. I am quite content, nothing is changing that.

Anyways, this was boring. More interesting things to follow. I got up 2 hours ago, but had very little sleep. Give me a break..
