Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Common People

swamp studios was great. work was not bad. my sunday shift getting cancelled was meh. it's a steady decline. c'est la vie.

it's a wonderfully snowy day today. the only reason i think the snow is wonderful at this particular moment is that i don't have to go out in it today, as i am home, sick. if i was having to walk to/from the bus, the usual 10 blocks, it wouldn't be so wonderful. y'know what definitely isn't wonderful? a sore throat and having some of the muscles in your stomach being pulled at the same time. not so enjoyable.

countdown to my birthday: 5 days.

after christmas with my dad on my birthday i have no idea what i'm doing, whether i'm going to dads, or staying here. bah. anyways, this was a very unintelligent blog. oh well, i'm sick, it's allowed. must go wrap presents.

sleep is over-rated. so is food.



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