Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Soy Milk

iHow's everyone on the world wide web doin'?

I'm good, thanks. Today has been pretty magnificent. I mean, the weather really sucks, but everything else is swell. Woke up at 8, chilled around my house until about 11, then I went back to bed until 1 but didn't sleep. Got out of bed again, and took a niiiiiiiice warm bubble bath with a killer bath bom. And here I am, all nice and warm with my 320 gram bag of skittles infront of me and 3 bags of chips behind me which are situated beside 2 empty bags of chocolate. I don't even care. Although, I probably should eat something substantial, break this bad eating routine Kiersten appears to have put me in.

Haven't done a lot lately. Saturday I went rollerblading with Christy which was fun, then her and I went for a little drive, she just got her license. Sunday Mom and I went to stratford where I tried on pretty dresses for fun, and bought some killer shoes and a skirt. Sunday night was my work party..Boy was that fun *thumbs down*. Yesterday Sam and I chillaxed here in the afternoon, and last night Kiersten came over and we rented movies and stuffed our faces. Tonight I don't have any idea what I'm doing, but I want to do something because I work Wednesday Thursday Friday.


Anyways, that's all the unimportant information I shall waste your time with for now. Must go find decent clothes to wear out into the world..and decent food.



At 10:11 p.m. , Blogger KP said...

Man, you have skill when it comes to writting, and I want to see that movie.

At 8:41 p.m. , Blogger MTOD said...


..YAH me

At 9:39 p.m. , Blogger Maranatha said...

Hey, I feel bad for commenting in so long. I just can't ever think of anything to say. But I feel bad cause you keep commenting regularily on mine. So post something I can comment on. Please.

At 7:26 p.m. , Blogger MTOD said...

Don't worry about it, I never say anything comment-worthy anyways. I'd make an actual post as opposed to just commenting on my own blog like a fool but I have nothing to say. Go figure, look where I live.

At 7:57 p.m. , Blogger Maranatha said...

You need to speculate more on the private affairs of your friends. Such posts often raise the most commentary for me, and volume of commentary is often one of the better ways of knowing if a post was good.
Of course, the best way to know you've done really good is when no one at all dares comment on it...
So yeah.


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