Wednesday, March 29, 2006

As Their Shoes Fill Up With Water

hey guys

this is going to be quick and to the point..if there is indeed a point.

i can't remember what i've done in the last 15 days so i'm just going to post what i can remember.

had my first panzerotti (i know that i butchered that) on Saturday with dad. it was very good.

i currently don't have msn so to contact me you must use the good old fashioned telephone..or email.

took the literacy test today. there should be one question and it should be "are you retarded? if so, explain in the place provided." now, if i fail, i'll really look like a fool. i do not enjoy having 4 hours of english consecutively.

wyatt, jay holdsworth and tim glenn have another show at international grounds on friday. you should go. pretty sure i'm not.

25 days till i'm outta here and on my cruise.

you should all go see little shop of horrors. i had a dream about it the other night. ms robinson asked me to take part, and of course i said yes. she wanted me to play about 6 characters who all had very minor roles. one was a dead man on the street. yup.

that is all. sorry, it's brief. if anything interesting in my life happens i shall be sure to notify you all.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Soy Milk

iHow's everyone on the world wide web doin'?

I'm good, thanks. Today has been pretty magnificent. I mean, the weather really sucks, but everything else is swell. Woke up at 8, chilled around my house until about 11, then I went back to bed until 1 but didn't sleep. Got out of bed again, and took a niiiiiiiice warm bubble bath with a killer bath bom. And here I am, all nice and warm with my 320 gram bag of skittles infront of me and 3 bags of chips behind me which are situated beside 2 empty bags of chocolate. I don't even care. Although, I probably should eat something substantial, break this bad eating routine Kiersten appears to have put me in.

Haven't done a lot lately. Saturday I went rollerblading with Christy which was fun, then her and I went for a little drive, she just got her license. Sunday Mom and I went to stratford where I tried on pretty dresses for fun, and bought some killer shoes and a skirt. Sunday night was my work party..Boy was that fun *thumbs down*. Yesterday Sam and I chillaxed here in the afternoon, and last night Kiersten came over and we rented movies and stuffed our faces. Tonight I don't have any idea what I'm doing, but I want to do something because I work Wednesday Thursday Friday.

Anyways, that's all the unimportant information I shall waste your time with for now. Must go find decent clothes to wear out into the world..and decent food.


Friday, March 10, 2006

Ignorance is Bliss

It's the first day of March break. Y'know what I've done all day? Well, since I went to bed at 845 pm last night, I woke up at 8 this morning. I checked my email until 9, then I watched Dawsons Creek until 10. At 10 I went and started cleaning my room. At 11 Sam asked me to get coffee, I agreed, and so she came up here for awhile, then we left to get coffee/lunch at 12. Got home at 115, checked the messages, find out I don't have to work tonight. Since then I have been cleaning my room and showering. Oh, and I received some pretty wicked jewellery in the mail. All in all it's been a pretty fantastic day. Tonight, since I don't have to work, I'm going to tour into Stratford.

So that's about it. Tomorrow I'm gone with my dad for the day, then I work tomorrow night. Sunday night I'm going to a work party. If anyone's bored and wants to do something just, y'know, talk to me haha.

Well, that's all. Just thought I'd make a short post. Kiersten, message me about this week, dahling. Later Skaters


Friday, March 03, 2006

She Lives

I am alive. Just barely.

I can't remember what has happened between the last time I posted and now, so I'm going to give up trying to remember. I'm sure it wasn't of any interest anyways.

I have been suffering from horrible headaches frequently lately. I don't like it. Aaaand, this morning, I woke up at 230 and could barely move my stomache hurt so much. I somehow managed to make my way to my moms room to wake her up, the head to the couch to watch tv because I couldn't sleep due to pain. About 4 I went back to my own bed, feeling slightly better. Went to school today thinking I had to hand in my course selection sheet, which I didn't. I have somehow managed to pull all the muscles in my stomache, and I'm not sure how. I realize I'm out of shape, but I haven't done anything physically straining lately.

Speaking of course selections, did any of you take Writers Craft and/or Economics? I have Writers Craft written down but I'm not sure, and I have a blank spot and I'm not sure what to fill it with. I'm thinking Law, Comm. Tech, Accounting, or Economics.

Tonight I was planning on going to International Grounds to see Wyatt, Aaron, Tim, Nate Meidinger and Brent Meidinger (man, I hope I'm spelling their last name right..) but I am not sure if I'm going to attend or not. I don't have anyone to go with, and I don't really feel like going alone. Shaughn O'Reilly is going, but I think he's playing, too. I suppose we'll see.

Well, I'm off to listen to some Tom Waits and answer some questions on To Kill A Mockingbird. Ciao
