Sunday, April 16, 2006

When We Date...

Helllllo all. Just thought I'd fill you in on my weekend thus far.

On Thursday night my friend Christy and I went downtown and waited for Amanda to get off work. While we waited we bought at tub of the new Kit-Kat Icecrem (which I HIGHLY recommend, it's delish) which we shared with most of the employees. Then the three of us headed back to Christy's to watch Saw II which I had already seen. For a little we were harassed by the telephone, until someone finally told the caller (I will not disclose any names) to stop calling because people were in bed. That didn't work, so we just left the phone off the hook. Then around 12 I stumbled home and crashed.

Friday I slept until about 11. I was feeling pretty terrible so I went back to bed around 2 and didn't wake up until 530. I got up, made myself some food, and then some friends showed up and we went to see some local bands play. We got there and it wasn't very good, so we ended up leaving around 10 and I just toured on home, watched T.V. the rest of the night.

Saturday I got up around 9 I think. Got up, checked email, etc. and then spent from about 1030-4 cleaning my room. It was a disaster. Then I slept from 4-7. I got up at 7 and went for a walk downtown, grabbed some coffee (Ben definitely served me and I didn't recognize him.) Ran into a couple friends downtown, chatted them up for awhile, and then I returned home for a night packed full of reading and writing. I didn't sleep very much, was up reading most of the night.

And, today is Easter Sunday. I got up and attended church. Came home, chatted for a bit, made myself an egg (which tasted horrible, I suck at cooking) and here I am. Who knows what the rest of the day has in store. I know I have to figure out what I need for my cruise before the weekend's over, so I may get on that today.

Anyways, hope everyone's Easter is going well. The Easter Bunny skipped my house this year, I'm pretty sure this is the first Easter that there hasn't been an abundance of chocolate in my house. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

Meghan Danielle Elizabeth Tobin-O'Drowsky. Or, m.tod.


At 2:59 p.m. , Blogger Maranatha said...

It's the same here. This is definately the first year that I haven't gotten any chocolate. And I friggin came home on purpose for it.


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