Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I may be paranoid..

Hello to everyone out there. Long time no post. I've been really busy, but at the same time I haven't really done anything. I'm basically done school. In history all we've done is watch movies lately because our teacher has nothing left to teach. Today was my last day of work in careers-- I just had to write an essay and now I'm done it. English we've been watching ISP presentations all this week and last. And I officially finished communications today. I handed in my final which, in my case, was a movie trailer which I did all on my own starring the beautiful Kiersten Hanly. The second half of comm. tech. today was spent watching movies from 1993-2003 of different events that could be used in the reunion this summer. I saw Mr. Doherty with hair today, I never thought that I would ever see that, so it kinda made my day. My 75 minute lunches have been spent watching the world cup. I presented my ISP yesterday and it went just swell.

I had a great weekend set up for this past one, but things didn't really turn out, but that's okay. I was supposed to check out a movie with some friends on Friday but instead I visited my dad and crashed on his couch at about 945. Saturday I worked (OH YEAH I am employed!) 11-9, Kiersten was supposed to come over around 1030 but she had no car so I crashed around 12. Sunday I went shopping (which I have done nothing but regret since) and then typed up my history essay on Tim Horton which I've been working on for what feels like ages.

So yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm bored and loving it. Tonight I'm going to actually start studying for my history exam, and perhaps have a tuesday night rendezvous, we shall see.

Blake: did you call me from Alex's on Saturday/Sunday (I can't remember which)? I asked Alex but he said he knew nothing about it..Which I found kinda odd.



At 3:57 p.m. , Blogger Maranatha said...

Wow. I don't even know what Dords looks like with hair. Probably not as much of an authoritarian prick.

At 1:32 p.m. , Blogger MTOD said...

Yeah, he looks FAR more approachable.

At 10:44 a.m. , Blogger Blake said...

I was probably calling for your cousin. She`ll probably read this, so I won`t comment on her foxiness.

At 3:10 a.m. , Blogger KP said...

Yes, yes, yes. That Kiersten child is quiiiite beautiful, but none of you ever want to hang out with her.. how sad. (other then Tobs!)

Mr. Unknown

(okay, i know i'm signed in as a blogger, but I really didn't know that she had the 'blogger only' setting.. and i'd already written the comment so what the heck right?)

At 1:08 a.m. , Blogger Maranatha said...

yeah... who are you again?

At 1:09 a.m. , Blogger Maranatha said...

Oh yeah, post something m'rod.

At 10:56 p.m. , Blogger MTOD said...

Anybody see this? Are y'all still out there somewhere? With Jordan and Nora and Ellen and Ben?


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