Wednesday, November 28, 2007

You could win a Caribbean Cruise for Two.

So the preview of Blithe Spirit was yesterday morning. I wasn't in it, the other cast was. I must say it went surprisingly well. I'm in opening night (tonight) and closing (Friday.) Should be a hell of a time. Hopefully I'll see some of you there?

This past weekend was one of the best in awhile. Friday night I began Christmas shopping (unintentionally.) I then went to the Ritsma's for a relaxing night cuddled up on the couch with my dearest Amy and some Dane Cook Vicious Circle. Saturday morning/afternoon began with a delicious breakfast at Features with many and some time roaming around The Book Vault. I had rehearsal all afternoon, followed by pizza and some movies at the Best residence. Sunday was work, followed by some picture-taking and a delicious meal at the Creamery, as well as The Day After Tomorrow.

Like I said before, in all honesty, not much happens to me. But I love it.

I've fallen very far behind with my school work. I was away for three days last week due to illness, and away the first two of this week because of rehearsals and the preview. I have resolved not to let it bum me out. I'm catching up little by little and have managed to get extensions on all my projects. All I have to worry about this afternoon/tonight is a history test on the Industrial Revolution and slavery.

Hope all is well.

Oh, and Liam: The Wikipedia Game is a mind-blowing game including links and random words. Basically you start on the Main Page (at least 2 people need to play) and you pick a random word that would have its own page. For example, Mohawk (hairstyle.) You then are only allowed to click links to make it to the page for Mohawk (hairstyle.) You can not type it in, but you can use the featured content page. This is how I spend a lot of my class time. It is, surprisingly, a lot of fun. Who ever makes it to the selected page first, wins. The next time you start from the Mohawk page and pick a new word, and get there by clicking links. We've even devised Wikipedia Game Tournaments, first to five wins, or most out of five rounds win.

I'm a loser :) and I love it.


Friday, November 16, 2007

Fell in Love With a Bad Idea.

I have sat down at various computers several times in the last couple weeks, logged on to blogger (after many, many unsuccessful attempts) and began composing a new post. Each time I failed to come up with something to say. It seems a little strange, rejoining the blogging world this late in the game. It appears that I've decided to recommence posting just as some quit. I'm basically gonna do this for the same reason I always have: to put down recent happenings. But with the resurrection of my blog comes a new format. Basically I was sick of the old one, so I've changed it up. I'll put some links in eventually.

I have been reading the remaining posters posts regularly, commenting irregularly. I'm interested in what you guys are up to (although Blake's blog seems to hint at him living on youtube..) and I can only hope that you are vaguely interested in what's going on with me, which is, in all honesty, very little.

So, since September, my life has been quite a whirlwind of events. My final year at St. Mikes (yep, still there..) is turning out to be the best so far, however stressful. It's been a lot of partying, late nights, post secondary meetings, and work. Weekends have been filled with themed parties and work (although, now that the Festival's done, I'm basically unemployed), while weekdays have been mainly classes, rehearsal, and homework. My schedule for this semester is English, World Issues, spare, and World History, with a very VERY short lunch crammed in there. It's been a challenge getting used to 40 minute lunches, especially now that I can drive (oh, yeah, I can drive now. Well, I can, but haven't in the last month.) All in all, it's pretty slack, and I'm loving it. Today a group of us took out a seminar room and watched Donnie Darko on our spare, followed by a hardcore round of the Wikipedia game. Life is good.

Last weekend I had the good fortune do some small scale partying with Calder and Siobhan. I've resolved to do this more frequently, because the whole night rocked. It started with dinner at Down The Street, followed closely by drinking games, and was finished off with a late night viewing of Almost Famous. It couldn't have been better.

I haven't a clue what'll go on this weekend. Thinking I'm going to lay low, catch up on some much needed homework, and even more sleep. Sunday I've got rehearsal at school. I am Mrs. Bradman in Blithe Spirit. It's actually turned out to be one of my favourites that I've done at St. Michael, and it'd be great if there was actually a decent crowd this time around (hint hint.) I auditioned for The Secret Garden this week, but no word on that until some time next week. I must say, though, that there is a grade 10, I believe, named Liam, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Blake. It's unnerving.

I'm currently on the OUAC site checking out my transcript. Thinking about schools has caused the most distress. I'm ready to leave St. Mikes, but am I ready to leave my life and all my friends to go off to school? I don't know. I guess I'll find out soon enough. My top choices are as follows:
1. York.
2. Queen's.
3. Laurier.
4. Western.
I'm also looking at applying out of province, Montreal or British Columbia. I'm just not sure if I'm ready to go that far just yet. Hopefully a guidance counsellor will shine some light on that in the near future.

But for now, that is all I have to say. I can't promise I'll post regularly, but I'll try to do it at least once a month. Also, Kiersten has promised me that she too will rejoin the blogging world. Keep your eyes peeled for some action Ottawa way.

Once again,