Tuesday, February 27, 2007

goddamn authors and professors.

Well, the past week and a half has been an experience.

Maxime came to Canada a week ago this past Friday. That's when the week and a half long festivities began. They got to St. Mikes around 5, jet-lagged and smelly, and so a group of us decided to drag them to Pazzo's for dinner, which was followed by one of the famous parties at Ritsma's.

That weekend was spent in Waterloo and Toronto with Kiersten and Ann Marie Cooper at the ROM, Mitzi's Sister, and various other cool places in T.O. Monday night we had a sleigh ride which left me with multiple bruises. Tuesday evening there was an "International Coffee House" at St. Mikes which was pretty uneventful.

Wednesday night we went Tubing at River Valley. I was standing at the top of one of the hills when Emily Ennett says to me "Look, there's Kiersten!" so I look, and sure enough, it's a platinum blonde. So I take off running, arms wide open to give her a hug, and when I am about 4 feet away from her I realize it isn't Kiersten at all, it's merely a girl who looks like Kiersten from several metres away. So what do I do? Keep running. Oh, I also got some guys named Rob's phone number and email. Probably the highlight of my night. I'm sure it'll be awkward if they ever call me back in to work there some day.

Thursday we all took off to Niagara Falls. About 20 minutes into the bus ride, the transmission goes in the bus. So, we wait for another one, but we had plenty to help pass the time..We went to the Skylon Tower, Imax, Journey Behind the Falls, the Butterfly Conservatory, and Clifton Hill. This is where I'd like to point out that, in Niagara Falls, the weather was beautiful, and until about 6 p.m. we had no idea how shtitty the weather was in Stratford. Hopped on the bus, crammed 6 of us into a two person seat for 90% of the ride home, got as far as Shakespeare and had to turn and take a detour because the road was closed. The road was also closed from Stratford to St. Marys, so that meant that Max and I had to sleep at Lauren Parks', with Kim Murray, and her two partners. It was a full house. We were all convinced Friday would be a snow day, so we stayed up half the night watching Billy Madison. What a mistake that was. And since all my books were in St. Marys, I didn't have any of my several assignments done. So I skipped. I haven't really been to class since last Wednesday, a week ago tomorrow.

Saturday Max and I went to my Dad's, swam and whatnot, and we were supposed to go to Kaitlyn Bannon's party Saturday night but I was feeling really shitty so Max went with other kids. He came home around 1 while I was passed out on the couch, but I had told him I'd wait up for him to lock the door and stuff. When I woke up around 130 I figured he wasn't home because I would have heard him. I waited until about 4, when I realized all 3 pairs of his shoes were at the door and he was home already. I was mad.

We were supposed to go Laser Questing Sunday, but I was far too sick and the weather was too crappy for Max to go, so we pretty much did nothing. Monday he went to school without me while I went to the hospital to find out I have bronchitis. And today, I went over to St. Mikes with him to say goodbye; they all departed for Toronto at 10 a.m. this morning. And then I came home to nap.

It's been a good time, but I'm exhausted. And since I haven't been to class in forever, I have years of work to do. So I better get back at it.

Hope all of you had fantastic reading weeks. And you should post.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

You'll Be With Me Next Time I Go Outside

Happy Valentines Day to everyone. It's never been one of my favourite holidays but this year it is exceptional due to the fact that it's a snow day.

The down-side to the snow day (if it's possible to have a down-side to sleeping in and staying in your pajamas) is that I need to get downtown before 5 pm, and, according to the weather network, it's not supposed to feel any warmer than -21 this afternoon. My guess is I'll ending up biting the bullet, layering myself up, and making the trek downtown.

So after 2 days of Economics, I signed up to drop it. A week later I was called to switch classes. After finding out that there is NOTHING that period besides all 3 levels of math in grade 11 and 12, calculus, 3 sciences in grade 11 and 12, 11 georaphy, 12 history and 12 english, I decided to go for the 4U english. Full. Okay, 3U geography. Full. I already took 3U biology, so I went with 4U history. That's what I'm now in, and I can't decide whether it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Maxime comes on Friday, I'm pretty excited, should be a good time. He's going to go into shock when he sees all the snow. The other day in Rouen it was 0 degrees. He said he was cold.

Anyways, that's about all I got. I need to eat a heeping bowl of Fruit Loops and decide if I dare to venture out. I hope you all enjoy Valentines day and the amount of chocolate available as much as I will.
